Course Syllabus
United States History Syllabus 2017-2018
Course Description: United States History will cover from the Progressive Era to the late 20th century.
Classroom Rules: RESPECT is an integral component in making the classroom run smoothly. As a part a cooperative learning team, you are to respect others in the classroom – teacher, students, and property – including yourself, as well as be responsible and be safe. I BELIEVE IN YOU!
Modules of Study:
- Module 1 - Review
- Module 14 - Progressivism 1888-1921
- Module 15 - U.S. Imperialism 1892-1918
- Module 16 - World War I 1913-1920
- Module 17 - The Roaring Twenties 1919-1929
- Module 18 - The Great Depression 1928-1934
- Module 19 - The New Deal 1932-1941
- Module 20 - World War II 1930-1946
- Module 21 - The Cold War 1944-1992
- Module 22 - The Postwar Boom 1945-1961
- Module 23 - An Era of Social Change 1959-1980
- Module 24 - Civil Rights 1953-2010
- Module 25 - Vietnam War 1959-1976
Grading: Quarter grades in this class will be determined by, but not limited to:
- Map Work = 20%
- Homework (journals, vocabulary, in class assignments, and etc.) = 30%
- Quizzes/Tests = 25%
- Projects = 25% (Includes your quarterly book project)
Semester grade is determined by averaging quarter one and quarter two for the final grade for semester one. The average of quarter three and quarter four will determine the final grade for semester two.
It is your responsibility to check your grades using PowerSchool. If you should ever have a question in regards to your grade please see me. My gradebook will close on the last day of the quarter and/or semester. No additional work will be allowed to be turned in after those dates.
The grading scale is as follows:
A = 93-100% |
B+ = 87-89% |
C+ = 77-79% |
D+ = 67-69% |
F = 0-59% |
A- = 90-92% |
B = 83-86% |
C = 73-76% |
D = 63-66% |
B = 80-82% |
C- = 70-72% |
D- = 60-62% |
Handing In A Late Assignment?
I expect all assignments to be turned in on time. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me for makeup work.
Graduation Requirement: A full year of United States History is required to graduate from Petersburg High School. You must receive a passing grade both semesters to earn a credit.
Textbook: You will be using the textbook American History, which can be accessed at To temporarily login in your username is US2017-2018 and the password is TemporarUS. In addition to using the assigned textbook you will be using a variety of resources found in the library, classroom, and on the web.
I am looking forward to a fantastic year. If you have any questions please contact me at 772-3861 or
Mrs. Evens
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |