Course Syllabus

Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year and to United States History. This is a full year class is required to graduate from Petersburg High School.

This course covers from the Imperialism era to the late 20th century.  It covers topics such as 

  • Manifest Destiny/Civil War Overview
  • Reconstruction
  • Gilded Age
  • Imperialism
  • the Progressive Era
  • World War 1
  • the Roaring Twenties
  • the Great Depression
  • World War 2
  • the Cold War

Here are a couple of things to remember:


  • A student in my class is valued by me the instructor and therefore is an important part of the learning environment.  Students will show respect towards themselves, their classmates, and the instructor.  
  • My expectation is that you show up on time (tardys do not show the expected respect and REALLY disrupt the learning environment.
  • My expectation is that you allow other people to speak in class -- please raise your hand to be called on rather than just blurt out an answer.  This also means that you allow for other ways of thinking.
  • My expectation is that you keep your hands, feet, and other items to yourself.
  • My expectation is that you also respect the physical environment of the class.  If you drop it pick it up; if you move it put it back, etc., etc.  Also please push your chair in.


  • A student in my class is expected to listen to instructions and then act on those instructions.
  • A student in my class is expected to do all work to the fullest of their potential.
  • A student will bring all materials to class that will help them be successful.


  • A student in my classroom can expect to take risks and feel safe while doing so.
  • A student in my classroom can expect to be in a "BULLY-FREE" zone.  


Course Requirements


In order to pass the class, students must do all the required work and tests and achieve a passing grade of 60% or higher.  I do accept late work until a unit closes, but penalize it at ½ credit (this does not apply to weekly discussions).  Because weekly discussions are open from Monday to Monday, they will not be given 1/2 credit.  You may turn in one late assignment per quarter for full credit.

Grade is determined by adding up all the points.

Grading Scale is as follows

100 A+

99-93 A

92-90 A-

89-88 B+

87-83 B

82-80 B-

79-78 C+

77-73 C

72-70 C

69-68 D+

67-63 D

62-60 D-

59-0 F

Academic Integrity:

Honesty is an essential aspect of academic integrity.  Individual students are responsible for doing their own work and submitting original assignments as per the course directions. Plagiarism and cheating of any kind will not be tolerated.

Plagiarize: "To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own without crediting the source; presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source" (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, Springfield: G & C Merriam Company, 1973, 870).  This includes using information from the Internet without citing the website.  Avoid plagiarism by appropriately acknowledging the source of the author's words and ideas.

Cheating:  Submitting or presenting an assignment as your own when it was written or created by someone else is not permissible in this class.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due